Manure Management

Composting Animal, and Other Organic Wastes
Aerated or turned windrow composting is suited for large volumes such as that generated by entire communities and collected by local governments, and high volume food-processing businesses. It will yield significant amounts of compost. Local governments may want to make the compost available to residents for a low or no cost.
This type of composting involves forming organic waste into rows of long piles called "windrows" and aerating them periodically by mechanically turning the piles. The ideal pile height is between four and eight feet with a width of 14 to 16 feet. This size pile is large enough to generate enough heat and maintain temperatures, yet small enough to allow oxygen flow to the windrow's core. Large volumes of diverse wastes such as yard trimmings, grease, liquids, and animal byproducts (such as fish and poultry wastes) can be composted through this method.